Ai Weiwei
Eduard Kögel: Gefälschte Identität oder Sehnsucht nach Exotik, in Archimaera 2, Raubkopie, Mai/2009, S. 111–123,
Eduard Kögel: Grass-roots-branding: Ai Weiwei und Caochangdi, in archithese, 6/2008, S. 66–71.
Eduard Kögel: 104 Courtyard, Urs Meile Gallery Ateliers and Exhibition Space, Beijing + 105 Courtyard renovation, Beijing, in Domes, International Review of Architecture, 08/2008: p. 143–157 (greek/engl).
Eduard Kögel (Ed.): Ai Weiwei Beijing. Fake Design in the Village. Berlin 2007 (Catalogue AedesLand).
_ „To learn about architecture is the same as to learn about how to make love. You must do it.“ (Eduard Kögel and Ai Weiwei), S. 4–8.
_ Architecture has to Fit to Life, S. 22–26.
The catalogue about the architecture of Ai Weiwei was published for the exhibition Travelling Landscape in AedesLand Berlin 27.10.2007–9.1.2008.
His strategy is to intervene in structures in order to challenge balance and to question conventions. He also applies this concept in his architectural endeavors, which can be read about in the catalogue published by Aedes. Birgit Hopfener in Yishu – Journal for Contemporary Chinese Art, Dez. 2007.