water: curse or blessing!?

#4 Water Infrastructures

The forth Lab Talk in the series focusses on how to deal with urban water infrastructures in the wake of changing conditions for our cities.

Moderated by Aric Chen, supported by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Berlin, and on the occasion of the opening of the Aedes exhibition Wind Blows, Water Rises with NODE, design office of Architecture & Urbanism, Shenzhen; and the Greater Bay Design Innovative Lab (GBA Lab) of Shenzhen University.

Welcome and Introduction
Dunya Bouchi, Managing Director, Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin
Eduard Kögel
, Urban Planner, Berlin
Yue Fan, Professor, Dean, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shenzhen University

Doreen Heng Liu
, Founder and Principal, NODE, Shenzhen / Director, GBA Lab, Shenzhen University
Anna Friedrich
, Engineer for Technical Environmental Protection, Rainwater Agency Berlin
Jiang Feng, Professor of Architecture History, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou
Koen Olthuis
, Architect, Waterstudio, Amsterdam

Panel discussion with participants and peers, moderated by Aric Chen, Curator, General and Artistic Director, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam

Front Row Peers
Michele Bonino
, Professor, Dean, Architecture and Urban Design Department, Politecnico di Torino
Margaret Crawford
, Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Xinggang Li
, Founder and Principal, Atelier Li Xinggang, Beijing
Momoyo Kaijima, Professor, ETH Zurich
Eduard Kögel, Urban Planner, Berlin
Thomas Waldmann, Innovation Management / Start-Up & Venture Manager, Würth Elektronik, Berlin
Hubert Klumpner, Professor, Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, ETHZ / Design Principal and CEO, Urbanthinktank_next, Zurich

Doreen Heng Liu

Doreen Heng Liu + NODE with GBA Lab / SZU, Shenzhen


Exploring Urban Transformation in the Pearl River Delta

8 February – 19 March 2025

Friday, 7 February 2025, 6.30pm

Water plays a key role in times of the climate change – both as an essential resource and as a potential threat. Rising sea levels, floods, and droughts demand innovative approaches in architecture and urban planning. Wind Blows, Water Rises is dedicated to the research-based work of Doreen Heng Liu and her office NODE, which focuses intensively on the Pearl River Delta in China – one of the world’s most densely populated metropolitan regions. The exhibition showcases 13 projects that highlight the rapid urban transformation and the challenges in managing infrastructure and public space. A highlight is the research project Water and Urbanization, which was initiated by Liu at Shenzhen University. It explores water ecosystems and offers concrete solutions for how water can be used as a driving force for sustainable urban development in other regions as well.