Re-act Lab
Re-act Lab: São Paulo Architecture Experiment
with ANCB Research Partners Elisabete França and the Secretaria Municipal de Habitação of the city of São Paulo (Sehab) and S.L.U.M. Lab Columbia University, New York
12 – 22 August 2010
The ANCB series Re-act Lab has a potential-focused rather than problem-focused agenda. It confronts the particular challenges of cities or regions throughout the world by facilitating transdisciplinary enquiry into appropriate and responsible actions in architecture and urbanism. This 10-day Re-act Lab research studio will introduce a group of advanced students from across the world to the realities of Brazilian cities and provide the wider public with internal and external perspectives on these. In a series of public lectures and discussions the studio will: introduce São Paulo’s metropolitan area by revealing the contrasting morphologies and urban tissues produced over time; address the critical role of everyday life in the experience of urban space; question the possibilities created for architecture and urban planning when housing basic municipal services-key structures in improving quality of urban life; and highlight the need to develop partnerships between the city planning authorities and urban pioneers, in order to build liveable cities at the beginning of the 21st century.
Date: August 12 and 13 2010
Place: ANCB, Christinenstr. 18-19 (Pfefferberg), 10119 Berlin
Thursday, August 12 2010
3.00pm – 6.30pm
Hans-Jürgen Commerell, Director ANCB
Alfredo Brillembourg and Hubert Klumpner, S.L.U.M. Lab, Columbia University, Marcos L. Rosa, Technical University Munich and Estúdio Tático, Eduard Kögel, Habitat Unit TU Berlin
The informal city in the 21st century: plans and projects
Elisabete França, Secretary of Housing Department City of São Paulo (Sehab)
Urban development planning in Berlin – current framework conditions and projects
Reiner Nagel, Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development
6.30 pm
Exhibition Openings: Measure of Man-Measure of Architecture and The Informal City of Century XXI