Ancient Chinese Architectural History

Ancient Chinese Architectural History

Symposium on Ancient Chinese Architectural History

中國古代建築史國際學術討論會 Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melbourne, Oct. 27-28, 2012 Saturday, Oct. 27, 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (Japanese Room) Sunday, Oct. 28, 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Japanese Room)

PRESENTATIONS Liu Chang 劉暢 (Tsinghua University 清華大學建築學院) ‘Carpentry Module Design: Leiyinguo Hall of Congming Temple in Gaoping, Shanxi’ (高平崇明寺雷音過殿大木尺度設計初探)

Heng Chye Kiang 王才強 (Singapore National University 新加坡國立大學建築學院) Reconstruction of Residential Wards in Tang Chang’an based on a Theoretical Ward Categorization System (基於理想里坊制的唐長安居住里坊復原)

Bao Muping 包慕萍 (Tokyo University 東京大學生產技術研究所) Wooden Buddhist Temples in Kalakorum during the Mongol Empire and post-Mongol Empire (蒙古帝國及其後哈刺和林的木構佛寺)

He Congrong 賀從容 (Tsinghua University 清華大學建築學院) Discussions on Chahua Tower of Chong’an Temple in Lingchuan (陵川崇安寺西插花樓探析)

Bai Ying 白穎 (Southeast University 東南大學建築學院) Transformation of Gyeonghoeru in Gyeongbokgung of the Joseon under the Feudal System of East Asia (冊封體制下朝鮮景福宮慶會樓建築演變)

Ao Shiheng 敖仕恒 (Tsinghua University 清華大學建築學院) A Preliminary Study on the Architectural Form and Historical Influence of Precept Platform by Daoxuan in the Tang Dynasty (唐代道宣所创关中戒坛的建筑形制及历史影响初步研究)

Wang Guixiang 王贵祥 (Tsinghua University 清華大學建築學院) General Survey: Buddhist Architecture of the Sui-Tang Times (隋唐時期佛教寺院概覽)

Qinghua Guo 國慶華 (University of Melbourne 墨爾本大學建築學院) Types and Functions of Qin Roof Tiles (677B.C. – A.D.215) (戰國時代陶瓦的類型和功能—以秦瓦為中心)

Puay-peng Ho 何培斌 (Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學建築學院) The Four Exquisites under Heaven: How Monastic Architecture are Appreciated in the Tang (天下四絕: 佛寺建築如何在唐代被賞識)

Eduard Koegel 愛德華 (Technische Universität Berlin 柏林工業大學) The Early Protection of Ancient Monuments in China: Ernst Boerschmann, Teng Gu and Liang Sicheng (中國早期古建築保護: 伯石曼、滕固和梁思成)

Huichuan Wang 王卉娟 (University of Melbourne 墨爾本大學建築學院) Depiction Methods of Storeyed Buildings in Jin-Yuan Mural Paintings (金元時期樓建築壁畫中樓高度的畫法)

Conference Organisers Qinghua Guo (, University of Melbourne Wang Guixiang (, Tsinghua University