PFS Grounded



Eduard Kögel: Global Acculturation. Urbanism in contemporary China, in Kelty McKinnon (ed.): Grounded. The Work of Phillips Farevaag Smallenberg. Vancouver 2010, S. 183–210.


„Grounded provides us a unique portrait of an unusual landscape practice. Built around seven thematic essays by distinguished academics and professionals, the reach and relevance of the book reflect substantial issues that inform much of contemporary practice in planning, urban design and landscape architecture.“ – Peter Jacobs FCSLA, FASLA.


„Grounded is the first Canadian book on landscape architecture as it should be practiced. It addresses, with superb examples, the far-reaching aspects of the profession including the ecological, cultural, economic and social realities of each site, thereby creating spaces which we will all enjoy. I recommend it highly.“ – Cornelia Hahn Oberlander O.C., FASLA, FCSLA, BCSLA.


„An amazing and fabulous book on PFS has just been published. As much about landscape architecture as PFS, it is a stunning body of Canadian work that we should all be proud of.“ – George F Dark FASLA, FCSLA, OALA.


„Studying the variety of public landscapes that PFS has completed over its nearly 20-year history is astounding… Clearly the skill sets of landscape architects are considerably different than those of architects. Learning about and appreciating these differences through the work of PFS… is extremely enlightening.“ – Ian Chodikoff Editor, Canadian Architect.



Urbane Akupuktur

Inge Roecker Urbane Akupunktur


Inge Roecker / AIR Studio, Vancouver: Urbane Akupunktur, Ausstellung Aedes West, 8. Mai bis 15. Juni 2006

Fotos: (c) Eduard Kögel

VIDEO hier

Die Ausstellung Urbane Akupunktur in der Galerie Aedes West in Berlin zeigte zum ersten mal die Arbeiten des deutsch/kanadischen Büros von Inge Roecker. Aus Deutschland wurden realiserte Wohnbauten und gemischt genutzte Bauten gezeigt, die durch ihre prägnante Form und Farbe sowie durch ihre sensible Einfügung in den Bestand bestechen. Aus Vancouver wurde der Revitalisierungsplan von Chinatown vorgestellt, den Inge Roecker mit ihrem Team entwickelt hat.

Katalog zur Ausstellung: Eduard Kögel: Inge Roecker / ASIR Architekten, Stuttgart – ASIR Studio, Vancouver: Urbane Akupunktur. Berlin Aedes, 2006, (dt/engl).



Inge Roecker

Video: Inge Roecker


Urban Acupuncture

Aedes West